[W.I.T.C.H Role Play]


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You are here » [W.I.T.C.H Role Play] » [Free Chatting] » Whos your favorite W.I.T.C.H. character & why?

Whos your favorite W.I.T.C.H. character & why?

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Would love to know your favorite character? Why they are the best! And what in your opinion is the best comic or TV episode?

Mines Orube because she is older then the other guardians, had a more 'realistic' relationship with Cedric (compared to the relationships of the others at that time). She's pretty mature and really develops as a character through the time shes in the comics. And my favorite comic is issue 028: So Near, Yet So Far, because thats the first issue she appears in (shes not in the TV shows)



Hey moom :)


my favorites are:

1. Cornelia Hale (I think she has the same storyline / character as I am). her love of her life Kaleb is from another world and they couldn't be together because they belong to different worlds. She loves ice skating and elegant style. She also kinda looks like me,

2. Will. I love her style and she looks very cool Her character is very strong as she is the leader of the team. I like her lifestyle and attitude.

3. Hay Lin. I like that she is Chinese and she is very artsy.  :insane:



I made you admin by the way!

And sorry for the queen....


You are here » [W.I.T.C.H Role Play] » [Free Chatting] » Whos your favorite W.I.T.C.H. character & why?